PICTURETHIS(TM) "SHAREWARE" VERSION RELEASE 4.00 DECEMBER 31, 1991 ERROR MESSAGES Copyright 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991 by Patricia Y. Williams and Gregory Williams, All Rights Reserved. HortIdeas Publishing, 460 Black Lick Road, Gravel Switch, KY 40328 U.S.A. 1. PictureThis LOADING ERROR MESSAGES (PROGRAM EXITS DURING LOADING, UNLESS NOTED): MESSAGE: REASON: REMEDY: CANNOT OPEN Bad configuration Delete configuration CONFIGURATION FILE file file and reset memory and aspect ratio CAN'T FIND PTS4D.OVR Data file not in Put file in current current directory directory CONFIGURATION FILE Bad aspect ratio Reset aspect ratio ASPECT RATIO ERROR: in PICTHIS.CFG DEFAULT USED (does NOT exit) CONFIGURATION FILE Illegal Delete PICTHIS.CFG in ERROR: PICTHIS.CFG current directory DEFAULTS USED (does NOT exit) and reload PICTHIS4. EXE with memory specification. Reset aspect ratio. CONFIGURATION FILE Error during save Check file, disk WRITE ERROR of configuration file, does NOT exit ILLEGAL MEMORY Command line Try again SPECIFICATION switch not "A" thru "H" NEED DOS 2.0 OR Running DOS 1.X Use DOS 2.X or above ABOVE OUT OF MEMORY Not enough free Remove memory- memory resident programs, use lower DOS Version, use lower memory limits, and/or add RAM PTS4D.OVR CORRUPT Data file bad Try another copy of (read error or data file wrong format) 2. SPECIAL ERROR MESSAGES (APPEAR ONLY WITH "H+" TOGGLED ON): MESSAGE: REASON: REMEDY: ALREADY SMOOTHING S pressed To smooth at other when already endpoint, press smoothing F2 first; to smooth with a different curve, press Esc first CAN ONLY MOVE Trying to move Zoom to 100% screen TEMPLATE ON template on 100% SCREEN other than 100% screen CANNOT CUT A Attempting to No need to cut it SINGLE POINT cut a "dot" CAN'T CHANGE CURSOR Can't change Change units SPEED IN PIXELS cursor speed if unit is pixels DRAWING REMOVED Trying to clear Press R to restore screen or draw drawing first with drawing removed ENDPOINT NOT ON Trying to change Scroll or zoom to SCREEN curve with only put both endpoints one endpoint on on screen screen ENDPTS OR CONTROL Can't choose Scroll or zoom PTS NOT ON SCREEN curve GRID POINTS OFF All grid points Scroll or zoom SCREEN off screen MUST MOVE OFF When scaling, Move cursor off ANCHOR POINT rotating, or anchor point inclining did not move cursor after F1 NO SELECTABLE Initial points of Scroll or zoom TRAILS/OBJECTS all trails, text ON SCREEN blocks, & objects are off screen NO SMOOTHING Trying to smooth Define curve to CURVE with no curve smooth with defined to smooth with NO DRAWING R pressed to Import or create remove or drawing first restore drawing when no drawing exists NO TEMPLATE T pressed to Import template remove or first restore template when no template exists POINT OFF SCREEN When measuring Enter different distance, percentage resulting point distance off screen SCREEN MUST BE Trying to set Zoom to 100% screen 100% aspect ratio on other than 100% screen VERTICAL ENDPTS Both top & bottom Draw original circle OFF SCREEN endpoints of smaller circle off the screen when attempting oval 3. OTHER ERROR MESSAGES (APPEAR WITH OR WITHOUT "H+" TOGGLED ON): MESSAGE: REASON: REMEDY: ALL PART FILES All found part Check disk BAD files bad BORDER TOO LONG, Trail to be Zoom or scroll to CAN'T FILL ON filled has too see trail filled; SCREEN many pixels to does not affect be filled on operation Quickshow screen CANNOT FIND COMMAND.COM not Copy COMMAND.COM COMMAND.COM in current into current directory or in directory or directories in issue DOS path when try COMSPEC command to shell CANNOT SCALE DRAW- Can't scale draw- Scale at EPS save ING WITH TEXT ing once it has text CAN'T CHANGE GLOBAL Can only change In FREE state, DASH PATTERN dash pattern press L, D on line menu CAN'T ERASE BORDER Trying to erase "Unfill" trail OF FILLED AREA curve in trail first that is filled CAN'T HAVE XHIGH= Entered or placed Try again XLOW OR YHIGH= cursor so highs YLOW or lows same CONFIGURATION FILE PICTHIS.CFG file Delete PICTHIS.CFG ERROR is bad CURSOR MUST BE IN Cursor must be Move cursor MARGIN FOR between left & POSITION right margin for position justification CURVE(S) EXCEEDED When scaling line Just for your MAXIMUM LINE weights of information WEIGHT drawing or object along with drawing or object, a line weight exceeded the maximum and was set to the maximum CURVE SPACE FULL Defining curve or SaveDRW and GetDRW. - SAVE DRAWING object with more Saving will delete NOW than 98% of erased objects, endpoint, curves & endpoints; curve, or object reload with space filled higher curve space limits END/CONTROL POINTS Transformed Try again OFF VIRTUAL object will have SCREEN endpt or control point off virtual screen FILE CANNOT BE File cannot be Retype filespec; OPENED opened for read check disk and or write (illegal drive filespec or file does not exist) FILE HAS TOO MANY Trying to read Reload PICTHIS4.EXE ELEMENTS drawing file with higher that is too memory limits large FILE READ ERROR Error during read Check file type, of template, disk, and drive drawing, clip art, face, part, or data file (probably wrong file type) FILE TOO LONG Data file too Edit data file many lines FILE WRITE ERROR - Error while save Check disk and FILE NOT SAVED of PostScript, drive clip art, face, data, or drawing file; disk might be full FONT FILES NOT Font files not Enter directory FOUND OR BAD found with font files ILLEGAL ANGLE Entered illegal Try again rotation or inclination angle ILLEGAL ASPECT Entered illegal Try again RATIO aspect ratio ILLEGAL CURSOR Entered illegal Try again SPEED cursor speed ILLEGAL DASH Entered illegal Try again MULTIPLE dash multiple ILLEGAL DASH Entered illegal Try again OFFSET dash offset ILLEGAL FIELD Entered illegal Try again field for data plotting ILLEGAL FIELD IN Line n of data Edit data file LINE n file has bad field entry ILLEGAL FILL GRAY Entered illegal Try again fill gray ILLEGAL FONT GRAY % Entered illegal Try again font gray % ILLEGAL FONT Entered illegal Try again NUMBER font number ILLEGAL HEIGHT Entered illegal Try again drawing height or page height for PostScript file ILLEGAL INDENT Entered illegal Try again indent for drawing for PostScript file ILLEGAL HORIZONTAL Entered illegal Try again SCALE FACTOR horizontal scale factor ILLEGAL INCREMENT Entered illegal Try again increment for data plotting ILLEGAL LENGTH Entered illegal Try again dash or gap length ILLEGAL LINE GRAY Entered illegal Try again line gray ILLEGAL LINE Entered illegal Try again SPACING line spacing ILLEGAL LINE Entered illegal Try again WEIGHT line weight ILLEGAL MARGIN Entered illegal Try again page margin for PostScript file ILLEGAL N Entered illegal Try again n (every nth pair) ILLEGAL NUMBER OF Entered illegal Try again POINTS number of pts to plot ILLEGAL PALETTE Illegal value Try again entered for palette choice ILLEGAL % DISTANCE Entered illegal Try again percentage distance ILLEGAL POINT Entered illegal Try again SIZE point size ILLEGAL SCALE Entered illegal Try again FACTOR uniform scale factor ILLEGAL SIZE Entered illegal Try again size when scaling drawing ILLEGAL SPACING Entered illegal Try again spacing for grid ILLEGAL START Entered illegal Try again start point for data plotting ILLEGAL VALUE Entered illegal Try again value for XLOW, YLOW, XHIGH, or YHIGH ILLEGAL VERTICAL Entered illegal Try again SCALE FACTOR vertical scale factor ILLEGAL WIDTH Entered illegal Try again drawing width or page width for PostScript file INCORRECT FILE Wrong format for Check file FORMAT drawing, clip art, or face file INVALID FONT NUMBER Can't edit unless Select font select font KERNING FILE ERROR Read error on Check disk kerning file; not used MAXIMUM NUMBER OF Selected maximum If grouping make OBJECTS SELECTED number of text two smaller objects blocks, trails, then group as one; or objects if layering, layer twice MAXIMUM POINTS Already maximum Erase old noted ALREADY NOTED number of noted points points MUST MOVE OFF FIRST Must move to set Move cursor FLIPLINE POINT flipline NEED TO SPECIFY AT Can't use 0 Specify field LEAST ONE FIELD fields of file NO EDIT WITH CURRENT Can't edit this Change margin or MARGIN/CURSOR POS transformed move cursor margin NO FILES MATCH No files match Retype specification SPECIFICATION "wild card" specification for directory search NO PARTS FILES No parts found Check disk FOUND for selected part NOT ENOUGH FIELDS Line n of data Edit data file IN LINE n file has too few fields NOT ENOUGH MEMORY Insufficient See NOTE at end FOR CURVE memory for SELECTION selecting curve NOT ENOUGH MEMORY Insufficient See NOTE at end FOR DIRECTORY memory for SEARCH directory search NOT ENOUGH MEMORY Insufficient Will work without; FOR ENTIRE memory for see NOTE at end TEMPLATE entire VGA template NOT ENOUGH MEMORY Insufficient See NOTE at end FOR EPS SAVE memory for EPS save NOT ENOUGH MEMORY Insufficient See NOTE at end FOR FONT FILES memory to load font files NOT ENOUGH MEMORY Insufficient See NOTE at end FOR GOTO memory for endpoint or noted point selection NOT ENOUGH MEMORY Insufficient See NOTE at end FOR LAYERING memory for layering NOT ENOUGH MEMORY Insufficient See NOTE at end FOR MORE MARGINS memory to add margins NOT ENOUGH MEMORY Insufficient See NOTE at end FOR MORE memory to add PARAMETERS text parameters NOT ENOUGH MEMORY Insufficient See NOTE at end FOR OBJECT SAVE memory to save object NOT ENOUGH MEMORY Insufficient Can use without; FOR SCREEN FONT memory to load see NOTE at end screen font NOT ENOUGH MEMORY Trying to shell See NOTE at end FOR SHELL to DOS with insufficient memory NOT ENOUGH MEMORY Not enough memory See NOTE at end FOR TEXT to read in clip art with text NOT ENOUGH MEMORY TO Insufficient See NOTE at end COPY OBJECT memory to make more multicopies of object NOT ENOUGH MEMORY TO Insufficient See NOTE at end COPY TEXT memory to copy object with text NOT ENOUGH MEMORY TO Insufficient See NOTE at end CUT TEXT memory to cut text NOT ENOUGH MEMORY TO Insufficient See NOTE at end DEFINE TRAIL memory for defining trail NOT ENOUGH MEMORY TO Insufficient See NOTE at end EDIT memory to load edit buffer NOT ENOUGH MEMORY TO Trying to trans- See NOTE at end DRAW COPY form object with insufficient memory NOT ENOUGH MEMORY TO Not enough See NOTE at end DRAW CURVES memory to draw curves NOT ENOUGH MEMORY TO Not enough See NOTE at end DRAW TEXT memory to draw text NOT ENOUGH MEMORY TO Trying to import See NOTE at end DRAW OBJECT object with insufficient memory NOT ENOUGH MEMORY TO Insufficient See NOTE at end MOVE TEXT memory to move object with text NOT ENOUGH MEMORY TO Insufficient See NOTE at end READ OBJECT memory to read in object NOT ENOUGH MEMORY TO Insufficient See NOTE at end TRANSFORM TEXT memory to transform object with text NOT ENOUGH TXTBLOCKS Already have SavDRW and GetDRW FOR COPY maximum number of text blocks OUT OF MEMORY, Trying to save File will be saved GetDRW TO drawing with correctly, but CONTINUE insufficient drawing in program memory is corrupt; GetDRW to read in correct drawing; reload with lower memory limits OUT OF MEMORY: Not enough See NOTE at end PRESS J or memory to draw SAVE DRAWING drawing OVER 90% OF CURVE Defining a curve SaveDRW and GetDRW; SPACE USED or object with saving will delete more than 90% of erased objects, endpoint, curve, curves & endpoints; or object reload with higher space used curve space limits PAIR OUT OF Entered illegal Try again RANGE pair number PART FILE BAD OR Part file for Check disk for MISSING, NO initial Kartoon !*.1 files (should KARTOONS face bad be nine of them) PART FILE NOT Part file not Check disk FOUND found for face PT4FONT.HLP NOT File for font Copy PT4FONT.HLP to FOUND help not found default drive *.SFT NOT FOUND OR One of screen Enter new directory BAD font files not found TO CHANGE DASH, Can't change Press + or - FIRST DO + OR - 0 dash TOO MANY CURVES Too many curves SaveDRW and GetDRW; IN OBJECT in imported saving will delete object for erased curves; available reload with higher curve memory memory limits TOO MANY CURVES Too many curves SaveDRW and GetDRW; FOR TRANS- in new object saving will delete FORMATION for available erased curves; curve memory reload with higher memory limits TOO MANY DIFFERENT Too many differ- Ungroup object, and LINE WTS IN ent line wts do on sub-objects OBJECT for global parm change TOO MANY ENDPTS Too many endpts SaveDRW and GetDRW; FOR TRANS- in new object saving will delete FORMATION for available erased curves; endpt memory reload with higher memory limits TOO MANY OBJECTS Too many objects SaveDRW and GetDRW; IN OBJECT in imported saving will delete object for erased objects; available reload with higher object memory memory limits TOO MANY OBJECTS Too many objects SaveDRW and GetDRW; FOR TRANS- in new object saving will delete FORMATION for available erased objects; object memory reload with higher memory limits TOO MANY PARTS Already 999 part Delete some part files for part files TOO MANY TEXT Already have the Overlay drawings by BLOCKS maximum number combining EPS of text blocks files TRAIL TOO LONG Too many curves Define shorter trails FOR MEMORY in new trail WARNING: COMPLEX- Trail too long; Redefine part of ITY OF TRAIL may cause trail MIGHT OVERFLOW printout to PRINTER STACK fail YOU CAN'T CHANGE Transformed Ungroup object; Make THIS OBJECT IF object has new construction SAVED initial point curve in middle of off entire object and layer to drawing screen rear; regroup object with new curve; transform again 4. ERROR MESSAGES IN PictureThis EDITOR: MESSAGE: REASON: REMEDY: CAN'T PUT GO IN Go's can't be Delete code SUB/SUPERSCRIPT in sub/super- script CAN'T TRACK KERN Outline fonts Delete code OUTLINE FONT can't be track kerned CHARACTER TOO Margin very Reset margin WIDE FOR narrow MARGIN CODE INCOMPLETE Can't end line End code before ending code CODES CANNOT BE Must end type- End code NESTED setting code before start- ing next code CODE TOO LONG Code too long End code CODE TOO SHORT Code too short Add to code EDIT HELP FILE PT4EDIT1.HLP, Check disk NOT FOUND PT4EDIT2.HLP, or PT4FONT.HLP not in current directory FONT FILES NOT Font files not Enter new directory FOUND OR BAD found or bad FONT HAS NO ACCENTED Current font has Change font CHARACTERS no accents GO NOT STARTED Can't end go Start go GO'S CAN'T BE Can't nest go's End go first NESTED HAVE NOT STARTED Tried to end code Start code CODE YET that wasn't started ILLEGAL CHARACTER Entered illegal Try again character ILLEGAL CODE Entered illegal Try again typesetting code ILLEGAL FONT Entered illegal Try again NUMBER font number ILLEGAL GRAY Entered illegal Try again font gray ILLEGAL HYPHENATION Entered illegal Try again hyphenation ILLEGAL LINE Entered illegal Try again SPACING spacing ILLEGAL MARK Entered illegal Try again NUMBER mark number ILLEGAL NUMBER OF Entered illegal Try again POINTS number of points ILLEGAL NUMBER OF Entered illegal Try again UNITS number of units ILLEGAL PAIRWISE Pairwise kerning Take out code KERNING not allowed ILLEGAL POINT Entered illegal Try again CHANGE point change ILLEGAL POINT SIZE Entered illegal Try again point size ILLEGAL SUB/SUPER- Entered illegal Try again SCRIPT PARAMETER parameter LINE(S) LOST OFF END While composing, Partially empty OF EDITOR lines lost off editor and end of editor reenter lines MARK NOT DEFINED Can't goto un- Try again defined mark NOT ENOUGH MEMORY Insufficient Save drawing and FOR FONT FILES memory to use reload with new font lower memory limits NOT ENOUGH MEMORY Insufficient See NOTE at end FOR MOVE/COPY memory to move/ copy text NOT ENOUGH MEMORY Insufficient See NOTE at end TO COMPOSE memory to compose NOT ENOUGH MEMORY Insufficient See NOTE at end FOR TEXT - memory to save SavDRW & GetDRW text block STRING NOT FOUND While finding/ Try again replacing, text string not found SUB/SUPERSCRIPT NOT Can't end if Try again STARTED YED not started TOO MANY SUB/ Can't nest that Try again SUPERSCRIPTS deeply WARNING: CHARACTER Entered character Probably delete HAS NO WIDTH not defined in character current font 5. CaptureThis ERROR MESSAGES: MESSAGE: REASON: REMEDY: DOS version less DOS 1.X used Use DOS 2.X or above than 2.0. NOT INSTALLED FILE ERROR, Illegal drive, Fix and try again EXITING drive door open, bad disk NOT ENOUGH SPACE Disk space Insert new disk and ON DISK, EXITING inadequate for try again template file 6. NOTE on Insufficient Memory Error Messages If you see a "NOT ENOUGH MEMORY" error message, do some or all of the following (in order is usually best): a. Save your drawing (SavDRW) and get it again (GetDRW) without leaving PictureThis. b. If you have much text "greek" it by pressing J (jabber). c. Quit PictureThis and reload with lower curve limits. d. If you have much text change the Text Background Save setting to NoSave. e. If you are in Kartoons mode, leave Kartoons mode (press C) and reenter it (press K). For more information see the PictureThis manual, Section 31.